受新冠肺炎疫情影響,本港失業率創 15 年新高,不少基層家庭的收入大減,捉襟見肘。安徒生會特別關心基層兒童,期望透過為學童提供學習資助及心靈支援,舒緩壓力,同時培養學童閱讀的習慣,學習逆境自強,渡過難關。
The Dark
Laszlo is afraid of the dark. The dark lives in the same house with Laszlo but mostly it spends its time in the basement. Suddenly, it visited Laszlo in a night.Join Laszlo on his journey to meet the dark……
公雞有好歌喉,蜘蛛也有自家製的蛛絲豎琴,要唱要奏可沒難度,可是……金魚怎樣唱歌?鱷魚怎樣奏喇叭?蚯蚓怎樣吹笛? 動物們最終竟組成了「大空地樂團」,並奏出完美的聲音來,牠們到底是如何做得到的?
Little Cloud
Everybody loves looking at the little white cloud as it could change all sorts of interesting shapes, but one day the little cloud becomes bigger, darker and heavier. As the raindrops came down, everyone ran away and no one was happy to see the little cloud anymore……
畫畫課已經結束了,不過葳葳的圖畫紙仍舊一片空白。 在老師的鼓勵下她只好不情願地拿起筆畫了一個點,葳葳覺得自己應該可以畫得更好,所以她打開從沒使用過的水彩。從一個點開始,葳葳點出了屬於自己的色彩,也開啟了自己快樂的繪畫人生。
Hare and Tortoise
Once upon a time, hare and tortoise live at the farm.They decide to have a race. Oh, dear. Who will be the winner, the hare, or the tortoise!
Ramon loved to draw. A single reckless remark by Ramon’s older brother, Leon, turns Ramon’s carefree sketches into joyless struggles. What should Ramon do?
Don’t Worry, Little Crab
Little Crab and Very Big Crab live in a tiny rock pool near the sea. Today they’re going for a dip in the big ocean. Then comes the first glance down at the waves. WHOOSH! Maybe it’s better if they don’t go in……
Dots here, dots there, you can see dots everywhere! Some are loud, and some are quiet. Some are happy, and some are sad. Some dots even taste yummy, while others taste bad.
Greta and the Giants
Greta is a little girl who lives in a beautiful forest threatened by Giants. When the Giants first came to the forest, they chopped down trees to make houses. Greta knows she has to help the animals who live in the forest, but how? Luckily, Greta has an idea…
馬拉拉和伊克巴勒: 世界上最勇敢的女孩和男孩
Boomer the Pig has been training hard for the Animal Olympics, so when he loses his first race, he cheerfully moves on. However, one event after another, Boomer keeps losing, and the frustration begins to get to him. Whether Boomer can win the game in the future?
Leave Me Alone: A tale of what happens when you face up to a bully
A little boy is feeling sad because every day he has to face a bully. But the little boy also has some animal friends. They insist on helping him, but the boy always tells them: “There’s nothing you can do for me.” Fortunately, he is mistaken…….
Mr Peabody’s Apples
In a small town, on a bright warm day, kids were playing ball as usual. But, something happened that disturbed the happy normal… an apple. Don’t estimate the power of words.
愛達的小提琴: 巴拉圭再生管弦樂團的故事
“WHY?” is Lily’s favorite word. She asks it all the time. Her dad tries to give her sensible answers but sometimes he just gets upset. Then, one afternoon in the park, something rather unusual happens—something that makes Lily’s dad very proud of her indeed……
Who Moved My Cheese?
Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw, who make their way through a maze looking for the “Magical Cheese” that makes them happy. And once they find the Cheese, it seems like it will last forever-until one morning when everything changes. Who moved their Cheese? Will it come back?
Sophie the Musical Cow
A talented country cow, Sophie, ventured into town for her dream. But she received a cold shoulder for every knock-on-the-door. She then found out the harsh reality in the city. With courage and determination, Sophie and her new friends have finally made their dreams come true. An interesting story on perseverance and a touch on diversity and inclusiveness.
The Wizard of Oz
When Little Dot’s home is swept up by a tornado, she finds herself in the strange land of Oz. Dot and her little dog Toto bravely embark on a journey to the Emerald City, together with Tin Can, the Scarecrow, and the Lion. Can Little Dot find her way safely home and help her new friends on the way?
A Bus Called Heaven
One morning in front of Stella’ s house, a bus appears, looking sad as a whale on a beach. On its front, held up with packing tape, is a hand-painted sign that says Heaven. Right away, the bus brings change to Stella’ s street when people stop to talk about it instead of rushing by. “This bus could be ours,”Stella declares. What’ s will be going on…..
Three Cheers for Catherine the Great!
When Sara’s grandma, Catherine the Great, suddenly announces, “This year for my birthday, I want no presents! I have music in my Russian bones, and laughing in my heart. I have the day and the night, and I have all of you,” Sara is surprised. How can Grandma have a birthday party with no presents?”